The Power Queens in the Eastern Region embarked on a mass disconnection exercise last week, 4th to 7th February, 2008. We chose that period because it was very strategic due to the Ghana 2008 football fiesta.
Customers rushed to the office to pay their bills to avoid being disconnected. The disconnection exercise spread like 'bush fire in a harmattan season'. You will be surprised to know that, the defaulters in the other surburb readily produced their receipts when we got there to disconnect them. Guess what?????>>>?? They paid just the day before we got there!!!! ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Customers rushed to the office to pay their bills to avoid being disconnected. The disconnection exercise spread like 'bush fire in a harmattan season'. You will be surprised to know that, the defaulters in the other surburb readily produced their receipts when we got there to disconnect them. Guess what?????>>>?? They paid just the day before we got there!!!! ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Thats Magbad (right) and Mary (left) on the move
On our rounds, we realised that, some customers have both the prepaid and the credit meters on the same premises but are not issued with the post paid credit bills.
We also realised that, the Goecodes are not properly coded and it's really hectic trying to locate a particular defaulter.
Some compound houses have only one meter which automatically puts them in the 'penalty zone'
Most landlords are ignorant that it is now very easy to apply for a seperate meter.
Illegal Connection
Queen Joycelyn Quaye, Susana Quartey and Josephine Dual detected illegal connections in some houses. The culprits were booked and the exact locations given to the Loss Control Unit for further action.
All the meters should be changed to prepaid to avoid contract staff who cannot be trusted. This will go a long way to reduce crooks who connive with customers to defraud the company.
The maps should be updated often to make it easier to locate meters.
Mass education should be given to households on electricity consumption.
The meter readers should make the office aware of households which have only one meter but many tenants so that provision for additional meters will be made available to them
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